Ocean Reef Senior High School P&C is a school based organisation with membership open to parents, students, teachers and interested community members. The aim of our P&C is to promote community engagement between parents and the school. Parents are encouraged to become actively involved in the school where opportunities will present to meet other parents, hear about what is going on in the school and to voice their opinion on how P&C funds raised through voluntary contributions and fundraising should be distributed.
One to two meetings are held per school term on a Tuesday at 5.15pm, and are held in the Conference Room located near administration. Dates of upcoming meetings are advertised below, on the P&C Facebook page and the school calendar. All parent and community members are welcome to attend (please note voting at meetings is limited to financial and ex-officio members). Office bearers are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Should you have any issues or questions you wish to raise with the P&C please contact Ocean Reef Senior High School on (08) 6206 2700 or email oceanreefpandc@gmail.com
President – Mrs Chris McCafferty
Treasurer – Neridah Deering
Secretary – Louise Wolhuter
We invite you to follow our P&C page on Facebook.
2023 Meeting dates
Term 1
Week 4 Tuesday 21 February
Week 9 Tuesday 28 March AGM
Term 2
Week 3 Tuesday 9 May
Term 3
Week 5 Tuesday 15 August
Term 4
Week 2 Tuesday 17 October
Week 7 Tuesday 21 November